Jul 25, 10:08 AM
oh, I forgot to mention one good thing about this mouse. Presumably it will work correctly with the option "allow bluetooth devices to wake this computer." 3rd party mice wake the computer up over and over ever since 10.4.6 when that option is checked. Of course, it would be nicer if apple would just fix their stupid OS version so that all BT mice worked correctly and not just their own... :rolleyes:
Apr 28, 11:48 AM
Yes, the iPhone does compete against Android. The last time I went into a AT&T or Verizon store, this was obvious. To say that the iPhone does not compete against Android is silly.
When your sales numbers for phones are ~50% of that of your competitor; whereas a few years ago they were barely a blip, then yes that means they are getting kicked in the teeth in handset OS sales.
Win... the point is, it's not hurting Apple. Apple continues to grow it's share. It's hurting the others. Android has replaced a hodge podge of OS's out there.
So, it's not "kicking the teeth" out of iOS. That would only be a fair statement if Apple had a licensing program for others. But they don't. Moto, Samsung and others ran to Android because their own efforts were abysmal and they needed to do something before Apple owned the smart phone universe.
Yes, it has slowed Apple's adoption because it is a very attractive alternative, but again... not a fair comparison and if anyone is getting teeth rattled, it's RIM. They have been consistently loosing market share and it's not looking good for BB.
When your sales numbers for phones are ~50% of that of your competitor; whereas a few years ago they were barely a blip, then yes that means they are getting kicked in the teeth in handset OS sales.
Win... the point is, it's not hurting Apple. Apple continues to grow it's share. It's hurting the others. Android has replaced a hodge podge of OS's out there.
So, it's not "kicking the teeth" out of iOS. That would only be a fair statement if Apple had a licensing program for others. But they don't. Moto, Samsung and others ran to Android because their own efforts were abysmal and they needed to do something before Apple owned the smart phone universe.
Yes, it has slowed Apple's adoption because it is a very attractive alternative, but again... not a fair comparison and if anyone is getting teeth rattled, it's RIM. They have been consistently loosing market share and it's not looking good for BB.
Jul 30, 06:32 AM
Well go and tell that to Dell and their massive market share and we'll see if they take you seriously and change their marketing strategy. Theres ideology and then theres reality, I suggest you take a trip into reality. People may think Apple is innovative but so what? Most people buy whats cheap, not whats innovative, and since Dell isnt innovative in anything they do they can afford to be cheap. We have solid proof that innovation doesnt sell as well as affordability, what is there to argue about exactly? I think Apple is perfectly fine with having such a tiny market share especially since iPod is keeping them afloat (how many billions does Jobs need? Hes probably in no rush to make mroe money), but if Apple fans expect Apple to try and get more market share then they should expect them to lower their prices and offer things like Dell.
This is why I'm not too concerned about Apple getting Dell-like levels of marketshare.
I see value in both Apple's hardware and their software. In fact, I see more value in the software than the hardware. However, they make most of the money from the hardware, so in effect I'm helping the continued development of Apple's software with my hardware purchases.
If Apple sold machines for Dell prices, they'd only be able to afford to produce machines and software like Dell. Goodbye iWork, OS X, CoreVideo, xnu, Darwin, Quartz, Cocoa, Carbon, Xcode, Filemaker, Safari, iChat, Final Cut, Aperture, iMovie, iDVD, QuickTime, GarageBand, AppleScript, Compressor, Motion, Soundtrack, Logic, Shake, Xsan, WebObjects, ARD, iTunes... Most of these products existed pre-iPod. Heck, the money for iPod development probably initially came from Mac and software sales.
Some of Apple's business does intersect with Dell's, but I don't think it's fair to compare the companies as a whole directly. What's good for Dell isn't necessarily good for Apple. Dell's business is low-margin, high-volume and is specialised(*). They integrate components, and shift boxes. If what you need is a box of parts that'll run Windows, then Dell's a good place to buy. But for a sizeable number of people (over a million per quarter), Apple's a better fit.
A 'large' market share isn't ideal for Apple's business, simply because of the concessions required to reach it would kill the company. What's ideal is a sustainable market share. I think they've got the strategy right: keep developing products which are attractive, price them according to the balance between customer acceptance and fiscal needs, and (above all) simply be around to provide a good platform which is self-sustainable.
Most people may well buy cheap. But there's a market for Apple's products, and it's looking stable, with signs of measured growth. Sounds good to me.
(* - it may seem odd to call Dell's products specialised. But they are. Dell's basically a one-trick pony. Their business model allows little else. Consider how long it took them to consider AMD processors. The contemporary wisdom has been that the reason was twofold. Firstly, they were quite likely getting superb prices for Intel processors, and advertising money from Intel that may have been threatened by including AMD models. But also, it was noted that adding AMD machines would introduce an amount of complexity to Dell's supply chain management that could impact their margins. They had to wait until the potential market for AMD-based Dell machines was guaranteed to be large enough that it would offset the costs of diversifying. Dell has very limited flexibility. It has historically worked for them, but investors have been twitch recently over multiple profit warnings from the company)
This is why I'm not too concerned about Apple getting Dell-like levels of marketshare.
I see value in both Apple's hardware and their software. In fact, I see more value in the software than the hardware. However, they make most of the money from the hardware, so in effect I'm helping the continued development of Apple's software with my hardware purchases.
If Apple sold machines for Dell prices, they'd only be able to afford to produce machines and software like Dell. Goodbye iWork, OS X, CoreVideo, xnu, Darwin, Quartz, Cocoa, Carbon, Xcode, Filemaker, Safari, iChat, Final Cut, Aperture, iMovie, iDVD, QuickTime, GarageBand, AppleScript, Compressor, Motion, Soundtrack, Logic, Shake, Xsan, WebObjects, ARD, iTunes... Most of these products existed pre-iPod. Heck, the money for iPod development probably initially came from Mac and software sales.
Some of Apple's business does intersect with Dell's, but I don't think it's fair to compare the companies as a whole directly. What's good for Dell isn't necessarily good for Apple. Dell's business is low-margin, high-volume and is specialised(*). They integrate components, and shift boxes. If what you need is a box of parts that'll run Windows, then Dell's a good place to buy. But for a sizeable number of people (over a million per quarter), Apple's a better fit.
A 'large' market share isn't ideal for Apple's business, simply because of the concessions required to reach it would kill the company. What's ideal is a sustainable market share. I think they've got the strategy right: keep developing products which are attractive, price them according to the balance between customer acceptance and fiscal needs, and (above all) simply be around to provide a good platform which is self-sustainable.
Most people may well buy cheap. But there's a market for Apple's products, and it's looking stable, with signs of measured growth. Sounds good to me.
(* - it may seem odd to call Dell's products specialised. But they are. Dell's basically a one-trick pony. Their business model allows little else. Consider how long it took them to consider AMD processors. The contemporary wisdom has been that the reason was twofold. Firstly, they were quite likely getting superb prices for Intel processors, and advertising money from Intel that may have been threatened by including AMD models. But also, it was noted that adding AMD machines would introduce an amount of complexity to Dell's supply chain management that could impact their margins. They had to wait until the potential market for AMD-based Dell machines was guaranteed to be large enough that it would offset the costs of diversifying. Dell has very limited flexibility. It has historically worked for them, but investors have been twitch recently over multiple profit warnings from the company)
Apr 14, 02:20 AM
Maybe a sign of universal iOS+Mac apps?
Oct 24, 07:45 AM
Would anyone happen to know if they changed the case design.
The apple store is still down�
The 17 inch looks almost affordable, almost.
The apple store is still down�
The 17 inch looks almost affordable, almost.

Apr 22, 09:33 AM
1) I own both.
They are rectangular and have icons on home screens.
There's only so much one can do with smart phone styling.
It's not like Apples on the verge of going out of business.
Much ado over nothing.
Like a teenage bully, Apples beyond stupid.
2) You actually believe clueless sales people?
Okay THAT is just total BS. There are other phones that do not look like iPhone clones out there.
Look at what Microsoft are doing? They are actually giving their mobile platform its own interface and it's own look. You know what? It's pretty damn good too. You don't HAVE to do things the Apple does. No, Samsung copies Apple because they're lazy and they know that they can generate sales on confusing buyers or convincing buyers that this is the same thing as an iPhone. It's so obvious.
It's fine that they want to make touchscreen phones, just create your own look and feel. Granted some of Samsung's phone are worse than others.
Blatant copying.
AND, if Apple have infringed on anyone else's patents, they should be held accountable too. That's the way that it works. Live by the sword. Die by the sword.
They are rectangular and have icons on home screens.
There's only so much one can do with smart phone styling.
It's not like Apples on the verge of going out of business.
Much ado over nothing.
Like a teenage bully, Apples beyond stupid.
2) You actually believe clueless sales people?
Okay THAT is just total BS. There are other phones that do not look like iPhone clones out there.
Look at what Microsoft are doing? They are actually giving their mobile platform its own interface and it's own look. You know what? It's pretty damn good too. You don't HAVE to do things the Apple does. No, Samsung copies Apple because they're lazy and they know that they can generate sales on confusing buyers or convincing buyers that this is the same thing as an iPhone. It's so obvious.
It's fine that they want to make touchscreen phones, just create your own look and feel. Granted some of Samsung's phone are worse than others.
Blatant copying.
AND, if Apple have infringed on anyone else's patents, they should be held accountable too. That's the way that it works. Live by the sword. Die by the sword.

Apr 18, 06:22 PM
Okay, I am trying to play a theoretical "game," if we start bringing in factors such as "Apple will work it out," obviously, my whole argument is useless.
We must try to PREDICT what the next MBA will be in terms of WHAT WE HAVE currently.
You are saying that MBA are not meant for gaming and other stuff. I KNOW, i am not saying I will play crysis 2 on max settings, you are placing my argument on the extreme side.
Understand that what im saying is that nearly all of us are casual gamers. we want to play a game here or two, and as High Schooler, I will play more games.
But my point is that even if we get a 40% boost in our CPU, it is near useless.
For example, lets say you have 100/100 in a test. Having a theoretical 40% boost will give you a 140/100. I mean, thats cool. Overkill. That is currently the CPU we have. We have enough to accomplish our tasks, and any more would be an overkill in the things we need our computer to process.
On the other hand, on the GPU side, you have a 80/100 (which is what the NVIDIA 320m is) and we see a 30% performance drop, that will result to a 42.5/100. At lower levels, difference between a 80/100 and 42.5/100 is the difference between a pass and a fail.
Of course, having a better CPU might be fulfilling to you and might give you the sense that you are the "latest in tech," but seriously, it is not about the CPU any more, it is about SSDs, ergonomics, GPU, and ultimately, Software.
We must try to PREDICT what the next MBA will be in terms of WHAT WE HAVE currently.
You are saying that MBA are not meant for gaming and other stuff. I KNOW, i am not saying I will play crysis 2 on max settings, you are placing my argument on the extreme side.
Understand that what im saying is that nearly all of us are casual gamers. we want to play a game here or two, and as High Schooler, I will play more games.
But my point is that even if we get a 40% boost in our CPU, it is near useless.
For example, lets say you have 100/100 in a test. Having a theoretical 40% boost will give you a 140/100. I mean, thats cool. Overkill. That is currently the CPU we have. We have enough to accomplish our tasks, and any more would be an overkill in the things we need our computer to process.
On the other hand, on the GPU side, you have a 80/100 (which is what the NVIDIA 320m is) and we see a 30% performance drop, that will result to a 42.5/100. At lower levels, difference between a 80/100 and 42.5/100 is the difference between a pass and a fail.
Of course, having a better CPU might be fulfilling to you and might give you the sense that you are the "latest in tech," but seriously, it is not about the CPU any more, it is about SSDs, ergonomics, GPU, and ultimately, Software.
Apr 13, 02:36 PM
SMART TV? Come on. Only a few year ago we were advised to kill our TVs.

American Idol Review

out the american idol top

Maroulis on American Idol

american idol logo

american idol danny noriega.


American Idol Logo

But an American Idol champ?

American Idol, American Idol

to american idol logo

Jul 24, 11:27 PM
No freakin thanks. Its already hard enough to control the touch sensitive orange ipod because its so "touchy." It would literally be impossible to use the ipod without looking with an interface like that, driving with an ipod would go from dangerous to suicidal. Its not the least bit practical and would just be a gimmick.
Its just an all around NO for me. One hand control would be a pain, no-look control would be impossible, the learning curve would take awhile to get used to because it would be the first thing with controls like that, no cases, pretty much no everything. Bad idea.
Its just an all around NO for me. One hand control would be a pain, no-look control would be impossible, the learning curve would take awhile to get used to because it would be the first thing with controls like that, no cases, pretty much no everything. Bad idea.
May 3, 07:57 AM
Awesome! But how do I get it????
Don't say go to the apple store, just did that
Check the link
Don't say go to the apple store, just did that
Check the link
Oct 19, 01:15 AM
Don't know if this has been posted elsewhere, but Apple's pc share has grown to 6.1% in the US; we trail by 0.3 percentage points for third place.
10% is in sight. Perhaps by the end of 2007!
10% is in sight. Perhaps by the end of 2007!
Apr 14, 06:21 AM
I have a feeling that whatever problems they had with the white color was solved a long time ago. I'm sure they've been ready to produce white iPhones fr several months and are waiting till the 1 year anniversary time fram to start shipping the white iPhone to boost sales seeing as the iPhone 5 was pushed back to September.
I have a feeling that if the problems were fixed a long time ago, they'd be selling the phone a long time ago. Have you seen all these comments about people waiting to buy white iPhones? Of which i was one.
I have a feeling that if the problems were fixed a long time ago, they'd be selling the phone a long time ago. Have you seen all these comments about people waiting to buy white iPhones? Of which i was one.
Oct 24, 07:40 AM
Here comes the moaning.......... ;)
Apr 10, 11:16 PM
Reminded me of a flower stem for some reason.
Reminded me of a flower stem for some reason.
Jan 26, 09:57 PM
$90 shipped for 2TB on newegg. Can't beat that. (link (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822136471))
I picked up one at Best Buy after Christmas for $15.27.
Yeah, about that, it was with a majority of Best Buy Reward Zone certificates.
I picked up one at Best Buy after Christmas for $15.27.
Yeah, about that, it was with a majority of Best Buy Reward Zone certificates.

Apr 13, 08:59 PM
Spec bump?
32 and 64?
32 and 64?
Mar 31, 12:14 PM
Why have the 2 systems got to be integrated.
So now my pro desktop experience is being influenced by a 9 inch toy.
Will Lion be the last roar for Apple's real computer OS?
Why have the 2 systems got to be integrated.
So now my pro desktop experience is being influenced by a 9 inch toy.
Will Lion be the last roar for Apple's real computer OS?

Jul 28, 07:34 AM
"Still, he said, the company expects it to take three to five years for the effort to really pay off."
This is great news! When the Zune is at its peak in three-five years, it can coincide with the first release of Vista in 2009-2012.
I hate the name Zune.
This is great news! When the Zune is at its peak in three-five years, it can coincide with the first release of Vista in 2009-2012.
I hate the name Zune.
Jun 6, 09:54 AM
Nothing as serious as a $1k purchase, but my (almost) two year old purchased an album from iTunes, by accident, on my iPad last week. I used the "report a concern" link that was on my receipt to report the problem. I got an email from an Apple rep the next day saying that they would give me a refund, but it would be a "one time exception."
From email:
Please note that the iTunes Store Terms of Sale state that all sales are final, so this is a one-time exception.
The best way to avoid unintentional purchases is to use the Shopping Cart. That way, you can consolidate and review your selections carefully and buy them when you're ready. Here's how to use the Shopping Cart:
From email:
Please note that the iTunes Store Terms of Sale state that all sales are final, so this is a one-time exception.
The best way to avoid unintentional purchases is to use the Shopping Cart. That way, you can consolidate and review your selections carefully and buy them when you're ready. Here's how to use the Shopping Cart:
Mar 16, 10:34 AM
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)
Well I got to irvine way late. Walked up and the person in front of me got the last ticket. They seemed to have less than 50-70units as that how many people seemed to be in line.
Mission Viejo? Or just wait?
Well I got to irvine way late. Walked up and the person in front of me got the last ticket. They seemed to have less than 50-70units as that how many people seemed to be in line.
Mission Viejo? Or just wait?
Apr 14, 03:20 AM
http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5101/5616448166_84b6fbd9a8_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/damoncrane)
Feb 28, 08:25 PM
Two weeks ago the dude was going wide open doing "7 gram rocks" as he admits ... he's bound to be pretty strange acting about now ... especially if he's drug free according to the drug test he did on air.
Overdose or suicide wouldn't surprise me, he hasn't ruled out doing drugs again, actually sounds like he looks forward to it ...
Delusional and having a meltdown for sure, very sad.
Chemicals are bad.
Overdose or suicide wouldn't surprise me, he hasn't ruled out doing drugs again, actually sounds like he looks forward to it ...
Delusional and having a meltdown for sure, very sad.
Chemicals are bad.
Apr 21, 11:46 PM
ooo come on kiddo :) may be you should advice steve jobs on how to run a company... the guy has only turned apple from bankruptcy to one of the biggest and most admired companies in the world today. but he surely doesnt have a clue of what he is doing :)
lol, I think you missed his sarcasm to inject your own.
lol, I think you missed his sarcasm to inject your own.
Apr 15, 01:22 PM
Any news in the latest build of Lion? When can I install it and be sure most works? :D
(on Snow Leopard)
1. Pay $99 to get into the Apple developer program.
2. Download and install in new partition.
(on Snow Leopard)
1. Pay $99 to get into the Apple developer program.
2. Download and install in new partition.
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